Kids Fishing Foundation News
Change a Kids Life for a Day, Let us Take em Fishin

Kids Fishing Foundation News

Kids Fishing Foundation Best Charity to Donate to

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 01/25/19

The kids fishing foundation was named one of the best charities to donate to in Minnesota. Charity news report wrote an article on the kids fishing foundation naming it as one of the best charities to donate to.

Mike Iaconelli donates to Kids Fishing Foundation

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 10/02/18

Mike Iaconelli professional fisherman donates to the Kids Fishing Foundation. Thanks Mike for your donation to the Kids Fishing Foundation

Professional fisherman Mike Iaconelli and the Ike Foundation have been very generous and taken the time to donate fishing equipment to the Kids Fishing Foundation.

Fundraiser Kids Fishing Foundation GoFundMe

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 09/03/18

The Kids Fishing Foundation has started a fundraiser on GoFundMe. Please help the kids fishing foundation with our fundraiser on GoFundMe by sharing the link to our fundraiser.

The kids fishing foundation offers free fishing events for kids, family members, military members and their families. During our events, we give out free fishing tackle, supplies and equipment along with a free barbecue.

We need your help, Please donate or share this link to our fundraiser.

Thanks, Kids Fishing Foundation

Gemini Incorporated Donates to Kids Fishing Foundation

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 08/30/18

The kids fishing foundation would like to thank Gemini Incorporated for donating to the kids fishing foundation. Thanks Gemini Incorporated for your donation.

Walmart Donates to Kids Fishing Foundation

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 08/11/18

The Kids Fishing Foundation would like to thanks Walmart Facility 5397 and the walmart community grants team for donating to the kids fishing foundation. Walmart facility 5397 and the walmart community grants team have been very generous and donated to the kids fishing foundation.

Penn Fishing Donates to Kids Fishing Foundation

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 08/05/18

The kids fishing foundation would like to thank Penn fishing for donating products to our organization. Thanks Penn Fishing

New Memoriam Page at Kids Fishing Foundation

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 06/30/18

We have created a new memoriam page. If you wish to donate in memoriam to a past loved one, you can do so by going to our donation page.

If you donate through paypal just put a note in the comment section. If you send in a check, just put a note in with it.


Kids Fishing Foundation Needs Your Help

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 05/14/18

The kids fishing foundation holds several free fishing events for kids, adults and military members. In order to hold our events, we rely on donations from a lot of generous people.

During our events, kids get free fishing rods and tackle, not to mention free gifts and a barbecue. But in order for us to make this happen, we need your generous donations.

Help us change a kids life for a day. Click Here to Donate.

Kids Fishing Foundation Event Huge Success

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 05/14/18

The Kids Fishing Foundation event on 5/12/18 was a huge success. We had 30 kids and 26 adults show up for the event and everyone had a lot of fun. For more details click here

Kids Fishing Foundation Thanks Phil George

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 05/14/18

The kids fishing foundation would like to recognize and thank DNR officer Phil George for attending our event on 5/12/18. Phil did a great job with the kids, thanks

Kids Fishing Foundation Huge Success

by Kids Fishing Foundation on 05/14/18

the kids fishing foundation May 2018 event was ahuge success. We had 30 kids and 26 adults at our event. To learn more click here

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